Ecofit Networks hosted Amazon Web Services (AWS) at offices in Victoria, Canada. I’ve done a post about how we use AWS services at Ecofit to accelerate cloud development and work towards a very flexible and valuable cloud platform, however this time around we were discussing some more exciting and cutting edge ideas with AWS.
AWS has continued to expand their IoT offerings of edge-based software and cloud-based services, and this push has been creating some interesting and very valid innovations. AWS IoT Analytics and AWS IoT Greengrass services as well as AWS IoT Events, which is available in preview, are near turn key perfect for Ecofit’s technology roadmap, as well as other industries where IoT is finally maturing and taking form. As a result of this visit, Ecofit chose AWS IoT to enhance Ecofit’s platform into a highly intelligent fitness equipment health monitoring system. We’re starting small by using the AWS IoT Events and AWS IoT Analytics services to lay the groundwork.

As an example, let’s take a look at the integration Ecofit is providing 24 Hour Fitness. 24 Hour Fitness and ServiceChannel are developing a partnership to manage the 24 Hour Fitness asset maintenance service. They would like to tie everything together so that when a piece of fitness equipment in a 24 Hour Fitness gym malfunctions, the right person is notified through the ServiceChannel system so that a repair can be scheduled. Ecofit already partners with 24 Hour Fitness and so the sensors are already in place and the data is streaming. Leveraging AWS services and partnership, Ecofit will soon be able to make the desired connection between equipment malfunction and ServiceChannel notification.And, the accuracy of malfunction detection will increase over time as the Machine Learning model improves.
Ecofit’s strategy of expanding data integration with major brand equipment manufacturers and gyms loops right into the solution described above. With growing data in, Machine Learning gets ever more accurate and valuable to the end customer. Recently, for example, Ecofit has begun work with main equipment manufacturers to pull in equipment data to the Ecofit systems. As these partnerships grow along with Ecofit’s own data aggregation sensors, we expect to spin off more AI driven solutions that are very valuable and unique to the fitness industry.
We’re very excited about this development. Ecofit has a long term vision: be the central hub and value generator of fitness asset data. With direct AWS assistance we can be assured that we’re well on our way of realizing this vision!